I've heard a lot of cushy corporates, when they start their own business say things like "I couldn't stand the 9 to 5 grind any longer", "I was sick of working to make someone else rich", or, stop me if you've heard this one "I had no real job security".
Have you ever been to a live seminar, concert or performance of any kind?
Spare a thought for the roadies, drivers, stage crew, dressers, production staff, venue managers, factory workers and all they go through just to entertain you, while you sit, sipping on something nice, maybe spending quality time with friends and family and enjoying a night out.
I have been inside the entertainment industry for almost 30 years and I love what I do but people really don't give appreciation where appreciation is due. I'm not looking for validation here, just a little awareness. It is a common misconception that the workers actually get to meet the artists they work for or even see the show they have put together. I can actually count on one hand the number of shows I have seen from where the public sits. I could probably even name them...and I had to pay like everyone else.
Unlike most corporate positions the entertainment industry is sweaty, dirty and often heavy work and long hours, days, weeks and months. For example, a show like Disney on Ice (below) takes over a week to install in a venue and may have only two or three days in a venue but still takes another two days to reset the venue.
Taylor Swift does a two hour show but may take two days to build the stage and another to hang the lights, video and audio stacks.
It may not sound like it but I started my entrepreneurial journey so that I could do more of this kind of stuff. I did it so that I can do more of this, so I can have more of an impact on others lives, bring smiles to more of their faces, all over the world.
My business provides me the flexibility and the income to be able to enjoy this type of work, I'm not working to pay the bills, I get to hang out with people I like spending time with AND I get to be a part of something bigger - I can see the results of my efforts - it could be a concert or a music festival